Rock bottom + a vest


Karen Kane Faux Suede Vest

There is only one good thing about waiting to go to therapy until you feel like you’re having a breakdown, and that’s that you feel like there isn’t any further down to go. As you might assume, I have started therapy. And yes, I felt that horrible. I’ve been on Zoloft for mild depression/anxiety since college, so over a 1/3 of my life. But it was proscribed by my neurologist. I mentioned in this post that epilepsy medication has an effect on your mood (as well as just having epilepsy!), so epileptics are frequently on antidepressants. But I had never seen a therapist/counselor/psychiatrist anything until this past Friday.

It was…hard and it was refreshing. I had been feeling like at failure at work for a while, so that was the focus of my first session, as well as the sudden frequency of my panic attacks. (Rather than one every month or so, I have been having several a week.) Thanks to my insurance, my co-pay is small, but I was at the point that it didn’t really matter how much it was. When your mother is suggesting you seriously think about going on short-term disability, you know you need to make some changes. But after my first session, I have to admit that I’m hooked. I came out feeling 300% better.


4 thoughts on “Rock bottom + a vest

  1. Good to hear that you found it helpful. I have never seen a therapist, but in retrospect, I realize that some difficult times in my life could have been made much easier by seeking professional help. Yay for you for taking the plunge.

  2. I’m sorry things have been hard for you recently, lady. I just switched to a new therapist after over a year with the previous one–things weren’t BAD with him, but working with my new therapist gives me back some of the hope of improvement that I’d lost. Brains are weird and squishy, and everyone needs a different combo of pills/no pills, CBT/mindfulness/etc., and all sorts of other stuff to try and manage depression and other illnesses. I’m sending you a hug.

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